Jeff ArevaloPersonal Trainer Princeton Club East

    Jeff’s passion for fitness developed after an ankle injury led to a sedentary lifestyle and a 65-pound weight gain. After four months of hard work and clean eating, he lost 65 pounds and built his fitness foundation by increasing strength and endurance.

    He has over a decade of personal training experience and has worked with clients
    ranging in age from 11-85 years old and experience level from beginners to bodybuilders.
    Jeff is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and has a passion for youth athletics and strength training. He believes fitness is as much physical as it is mental and wants to teach others the importance of mental wellness while working toward their physical fitness goals.

    Jeff’s approach to personal training varies from client to client, but the process is consistent and personalized.

    He enjoys spending time with his wife and three kids outside, as much as possible.