Aarika MilykovicPersonal Trainer Princeton Club East
    Aarika has been active most of her life but has struggled with her weight most of her adult life.  She has lost around 70 pounds through strength training and interval training!
    She became certified in Personal Training and other specialties as she became passionate about her health and working out.  She also has an interest in Powerlifting.  Aarika enjoys working with people to help them become more confident with themselves through strength training, and to also help them become more confident on the weight floor by teaching proper technique.
    Her main focus is getting others to gain that confidence.  From a beginner becoming more comfortable and confident with strength training and interval training, all the way to taking an advanced lifter to a new level, Aarika is passionate about getting each person to that next level.
    She also loves dogs and enjoys spending time with her dog, Gary, in her free time.